Little Green Lives

low waste living, permaculture, homeschooling in the Pacific Northwest

The benefits of a frugal lifestyle for kids

sam JenningsComment

My mum recently confided in me that she still suffers guilt from my brother and my very ‘humble’ childhood. My parents couldn’t really afford all the latest toys; instead we spent hours in the garden and fields with a host of pets. There were no overseas vacations, but we had many family camping trips to the English coast with fish and chips. We had a very frugal lifestyle with most of our clothes came from hand-me-downs. My mum looks back with guilt, but as I remember it, my childhood was idyllic.

Post first published on Portland Moms Blog, click here for full post

Bathing with babies, pepermint tea and bucketfulls of blackberries : A few reflections on our first 2 months in our new rural home.

sam Jennings2 Comments

When I told close friends we were going rural, going to finally fulfill our homestead dream, some said oh wow that's my dream...... But many said, wow 30 minutes drive to your nearest shops and coffee shops are you sure? We are living OUR dream. We have been in our new home for 3 months now I wanted to share some reflections and ponderings.

The calm before the storm - A little sunday morning lavender picking.

LIVING SIMPLYsam Jennings17 Comments

I feel like we are in the midst of the calm before the storm. I'm trying hard to savour every moment, dividing myself, my love, time and attention just 3 ways, enjoying the last few days/weeks of this my very last pregnancy those tiny movements, those baby hiccups , im even managing to get a few full nights of sleep. But at the same time i'm wishing the days away, excited to meet our new baby.